Saturday, August 27, 2011

Around the City

While I have lots of posts with themes, this one is more a compilation of different things from around the city.  The first picture is of a restaurant right by my dorm.  I never ate there, but I thought granny might appreciate the plantings.

Next are a couple of pictures by the Thames near the LSE.  Neither is of a particularly great scene, but I thought they captured the beauty of London nicely.

Going with the theme from the previous couple pictures, I included a shot of one of the many parks below.  I was lucky to have several within walking distance.

Finally, I have three pictures shot on the same day, but in different locations.  The first is right outside the Borrough Market, which was absolutely packed with people but offered a number of neat food options.  I had a duck sandwich and cake for lunch.  The second is simply a neat shot of a fountain near the Tower Bridge.  Finally, I included a shot of an impromptu book market under the Waterloo bridge.  There were literally thousands of used books for sale, and when I saw it I couldn't help but think of Granny.

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