Saturday, August 27, 2011


Next to Bath, Cambridge was my favorite place in England.  It had much more of a college town feel than Oxford, and was a little bit less touristy and more laid back than London.  Although I only spent one day there, I was able to see most of the town.  The first four pictures are along the river through town.  It may not have have stunned with its grandeur like so many other sites during the trip, but as with most of Cambridge, it was quite picturesque.

Its hard to do justice to the gardens as Cambridge in a photo, but the next should at least give you an idea.  There was an incredible array of both familiar and exotic plants, and each college seemed to have several acres set aside for gardens.

Finally, I included some shots of several of the more famous buildings in Cambridge.  The people really give a feel for the scale, particularly in the fourth shot.

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