Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oxford (day one)

By this point in the trip I think I had already eclipsed the 1000 photo mark, so it has been rather hard to pick out the best to post.  Though I know I should have cut a couple out, I included 7 photos from our first day in Oxford.  The first three are of the University Church, which was quite spectacular.

Below are a couple of pictures that struck me as being distinctly British.  There really is a feel about England (or at least parts of England) that we don't have in the United States.

The next picture is especially for Granny.  Her garden may be more impressive than the Oxford Botanical Garden, but when I saw the big rose garden I couldn't help but think of her.

Finally, I included a picture that Mom actually took.  Somehow, she always manages to get Liz to give a good smile (I never can).

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