Thursday, July 28, 2011

Too soon . . . final pictures of London with Mom and Liz

The last really touristy day of our trip in London took us by Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Trafalger Square, and 10 Downing Street, among other places.  The following are taken from a different perspective than most photos of the Parliament, as the building looks even more impressive when viewed unobstructed from across the river.

As was the case with St. Paul's, photography was banned inside Westminster Abbey.  This precluded me from taking more than a couple of meaningful photos.  My favorite is posted below.

The last two photos of this post are of the entrance to the Prime Ministers residence and the gateway to the mall respectively.  I could have included a couple photos of Trafalger square as well, but it lacked the interest of some of the other sites we visited and was packed with the interesting characters who showed up for the pride parade.

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